Character Naming

As an Author naming your Character is an important step right after coming up with the plot. I am here to help you choose the right character name for you and your story.

Make sure your character name is Genre Appropriate. Make sure if it's a Historical Fiction novel or takes place in a real time period that the name was used then. Or if it's a fictionalized place then you can be as creative as you wish.

Just have fun with naming your character. It is after all your story.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Novel Title Tips

I see a lot of people on Yahoo Answer who ask for help with choosing a title for there story. I admit I have asked on there once or twice myself. In the end I went with my own choice for a name I didn't use one from Y!A. As an author the title may seem to be the most important thing. If you are to get published you shouldn't get too attached to the title as the Publisher may change it. I haven't been published but I read about that. The title of a manuscript is just a working title until published.

So with that said you want to choose a title that goes with the story. Not a title where when the reader is done they have no clue how the title and story fit together. You don't want it too long and your don't want a tongue twister title either. Write the story first and then usually the title is easier to think of. If you still have issues with it look through your story. Is there a line or a word or a name that could work as the title. Ex. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. It has the main characters name and more than hints at an adventure for the main character and where is the adventure in Wonderland.

Perhaps the characters emotions or involvement can be hinted at Ex. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. This tells you a little about the story and you find out when you read that the main characters one is prideful and takes offense easily and the one is easily prejudice and the story is about first impression which funny enough was the original first title but it went to print as Pride & Prejudice.

Perhaps a song title can be used if the song reminds you of your story. Or a if a quote or poem is similar or reminds you of your story you can use a word from that poem or quote for you title.

Titles for Novels are not easy but it should be the authors job to come up with the title. As the author is the best person as you know the story best. And remember the title isn't set in stone you can change it and if you go to get published the publisher may change it.

I hope this helps anyone who reads this.

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I try to have the most accurate Meanings, Origin and Pronunciations for the names on this blog. It is best though to do research into the names you decide to use for your characters as there can be errors on my blog. Or meanings, origins, and pronunciations I have not seen thus not been able to add to this blog.

Try some of the leading Baby Name Sites and Baby Name or Character Naming books as well.

The baby name sites below are where I collect many of the Names, Origins, and Pronunciations I use on this blog.

Baby Names Sites: